(805) 497-4411

John Trapani, CPA

Putting The Pieces Together For You


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For more than 20 years I have assisted taxpayers who have experienced a disaster.  We help people prepare in advance for life’s unexpected events.

CPA – Thousand Oaks

Here in Thousand Oaks, we have our share of natural disasters. The most recent example is the "Springs" fire that threatened our neighbors in Newbury Park, Dos Vientos, Camarillo and many of the foothill areas all the way down to Malibu. Fortunately, the fire did not...

Tax Advice: Hurricane Sandy

  News & Tax Advice From One of America’s Leading Disaster Recovery Specialists People may be well on their way to recovering from Hurricane Sandy, but the after effects don't end with clean up and reconstruction. Tax Advice For A Disaster Such As Hurricane...

Tax Advice For Disaster

  Tax Advice Following A Disaster The reality is that it is best to have a plan to recover from a disaster before one occurs. But that is often not the case. If you have experienced a disaster — anything from a fire or flood to an earthquake or tornado — the...